This week is short for school days but still filled with all sorts of activities that we hope to see you all at. Good luck and Go Bulldogs!
The first Middle School dance was a success!
Thank you chaperones!
If you have a student who will be 5 years old on or before 9/1/23, please bring them and join us for Kindergarten Roundup. Please see out Elementary Hub for more details:
Baltic School Commons - 3/7/23 - 5:30 to 6:45
One of our very own Blue Weatherford is doing SR project hours with the National Weather Service Sioux Falls! Here is the forecast that was made by Blue and published by the NWS Sioux Falls #BulldogGRIT
Mrs. Button’s 4th grade class won the torch this week for having the largest number of students participating in our American Heart campaign.
Thank you to everyone that has donated items for the Baltic food bank so far! We have 4 more days of the Educators Rising “Super Food Bowl”. The winning grade in the elementary and secondary school will earn an ice cream treat (thank you Baltic PTO).
Elementary Current Standings:
JK/Preschool- 70 points
Kindergarten- 63 points
1st Grade- 63 points
4th Grade- 42 points
3rd Grade- 28 points
5th Grade- 28 points
2nd Grade- 21 Points
Secondary Current Standings:
6th Grade- 21 points
11th Grade- 21 points
7th Grade- 7 points
8th Grade- 7 points
9th Grade- 0 points
10th Grade- 0 points
12th Grade- 0 points
Good morning Baltic Bulldogs! This week we have quite the lineup of events and hope to see you there. Thank you to everyone that helped and contributed to the Booster Club Basketball Tournament this past weekend and thank to those that helped with the cheer clinic this last Friday. Your efforts and contribution to those activities is greatly appreciated.
Sophomores learning of all the different opportunities that CTE offers on their visit today.
Our week to be GRITful starts tomorrow! Check out the dress up days and each days goal. #BulldogGRIT
The girls basketball game scheduled for today has been canceled for the bottom 4 seeds which includes Baltic. The other teams are not able to travel and don't feel safe sending their athletes this afternoon and evening. Therefore, the 7th and 8th place finish between Parker and Baltic will be decided based on our game coming up on February 3rd at home. Therefore, with the past boys basketball cancellation and this situation there will be no basketball games played today for our teams. Thank you for understanding and stay safe today.
Edward Clark
Congratulations to Miss Whipple’s 2nd graders on their job well done at their animal museum. For the month of January, they prepared their speeches, costumes, posters, containers, and informational books. Their informational books were full of information they researched. Today they presented their speech to JK-5 grade students and community memebers. Each time someone placed a nickel in their jar, they read their speech about their animal. They raised $291.57 for our local food bank!
Students in Miss Whipple’s class enjoyed their math Glow Day! They played Jenga, spoons, tic tac toe, and bowling. During each of those games they reviewed counting money, telling time, writing different numbers using place value, ordering numbers from least to greatest, and comparing numbers.
This week kicks off with a bunch of events and finishes with the Girl’s Big East Conference in Salem and Volga. We also have our youth basketball programs happening on Sundays from 5 to 7 pm, if you still want to get involved in any way please reach out and email Edward Clark. See you all at an activity and hopefully more than one. Go Bulldogs!
Hi everyone and happy Friday!
My name is Kyra Haak and I wanted to send out a quick reminder that the Baltic One Act Play students will be performing for the community TOMORROW NIGHT (Jan. 21st) at 7 pm! If you want to make an evening of it, the Fine Arts Boosters will also be hosting a dinner beforehand! ALL DETAILS CAN BE FOUND ON THE ATTACHMENT :)
Our show, Whispers, deals with young people who are in varying states of their parental loss and how they are dealing with the immense weight that comes with that. Unfortunately, this is a story that hits home for a lot of people in our country.
I look forward to seeing our community come together in the support of the Baltic Theater Department.
Kyra Haak
3rd Grade Teacher
One Act Director
JH Drama Teacher
Baltic Elementary
Our Elementary Basketball camp (1st through 6th grade) kicked off on Sunday from 5 to 7 pm with over 60 student-athletes in attendance with tons of parent volunteers. If you want to sign up and missed the first time contact Edward Clark - and sign up. Camp times are every Sunday for the next few months so it isn’t to late to still sign up.
This week in the “Dog House” we have a busy week planned with exciting Bulldog Activities and Events and hope to see you there.
Here is the breakdown for this week in Baltic Bulldog Activities and Events.
Tonight's high school boys basketball game at Dell Rapids has been postponed and has been rescheduled for Friday, January 13th.
The Baltic School Board meeting scheduled for 5:30pm tonight will be held as scheduled.
Supt. Bob Sittig
El juego de baloncesto masculino de la escuela secundaria de esta noche en Dell Rapids se pospuso y se reprogramó para el viernes 13 de enero.
La reunión de la Junta Escolar de Baltic programada para las 5:30 p. m. de esta noche se llevará a cabo según lo programado.
superintendente bob sittig
Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,
As you know, there is no school in Baltic today. There is a basketball doubleheader scheduled for tonight at Baltic beginning at 4pm vs. Beresford. Typically, when there is no school there are no events, but that is not a hard policy and is determined on a case-by-case basis. The major factor in calling off school was that we did not think township roads would be plowed by the time busses would have left the bus barn shortly after 9am. We think there is a good possibility that most roads will be plowed in time for a 4pm basketball game, so we are not ready to make a decision on the game tonight. We will make a decision by noon whether to have the doubleheader tonight, and send out another message with that decision. Please be advised, however, that even if we do have the games tonight, the cheer clinic and fine arts boosters' fundraiser meal will not be held tonight and will be rescheduled.
Second, a reminder that on this year's school calendar, it was noted that the first makeup day would be Easter Monday. Therefore, please be advised that there will now be school on Monday, April 10. Any future snow days will be made up by adding days to the end of the school year.
Supt. Bob Sittig
Estimados estudiantes, padres y personal,
Como saben, hoy en día no hay escuela en Baltic. Hay una doble cartelera de baloncesto programada para esta noche en Baltic a partir de las 4 p. m. contra Beresford. Por lo general, cuando no hay escuela no hay eventos, pero esa no es una política estricta y se determina caso por caso. El factor principal para cancelar la escuela fue que no pensábamos que las carreteras del municipio estarían limpias para cuando los autobuses salieran del establo poco después de las 9 am. Creemos que existe una buena posibilidad de que la mayoría de los caminos estén abiertos a tiempo para un partido de baloncesto a las 4 p. m., por lo que no estamos listos para tomar una decisión sobre el partido de esta noche. Tomaremos una decisión para el mediodía si celebraremos la doble cartelera esta noche y enviaremos otro mensaje con esa decisión. Tenga en cuenta, sin embargo, que incluso si tenemos los juegos esta noche, la clínica de porristas y la comida para recaudar fondos para los promotores de las bellas artes no se llevarán a cabo esta noche y se reprogramarán.
En segundo lugar, un recordatorio de que en el calendario escolar de este año se señaló que el primer día de recuperación sería el lunes de Pascua. Por lo tanto, tenga en cuenta que ahora habrá clases el lunes 10 de abril. Cualquier día de nieve en el futuro se compensará agregando días al final del año escolar.
superintendente bob sittig
Baltic PTO gift card fundraiser for staff Christmas gifts. Not sure what to get a staff member for Christmas? Get them a gift card! You can contribute any dollar amount to any staff member. That dollar amount will be combined with other contributions and used to purchase a gift card of the staff member's choice.
On December 9th, the staff member will be asked which place they would like a gift card. Before Christmas break, the staff member will receive the gift card along with a greeting card from each person that gave money for that staff member. (Specific amounts donated will not be shared.)
To contribute towards a gift card, you can simply fill out the attached form and send it with the money in an enveloped labeled "PTO Christmas Fundraiser" to the office. You can also stop in at the elementary office and tell Jen which staff member you would like the amount to go to. This is a great way to recognize one or more of our staff members while at the same time supporting the PTO SCRIP/RaiseRight Program that raises money to benefit the school, staff, and students.
All contributions must be received by December 9th to ensure the staff receives their gift before Christmas. If you have questions, please email the PTO at
Link to Form
Happy Holidays,
Baltic PTO
Recaudación de fondos de tarjetas de regalo de Navidad de Baltic PTO
¿No está seguro de qué regalarle a un miembro del personal para Navidad? ¡Consígueles una tarjeta de regalo! Puede contribuir cualquier monto en dólares a cualquier miembro del personal. Ese monto en dólares se combinará con otras contribuciones y se utilizará para comprar una tarjeta de regalo a elección del miembro del personal.
El 9 de diciembre, se le preguntará al miembro del personal en qué lugar desea recibir una tarjeta de regalo. Antes de las vacaciones de Navidad, el miembro del personal recibirá la tarjeta de regalo junto con una tarjeta de felicitación de cada persona que haya donado dinero para ese miembro del personal. (Las cantidades específicas donadas no se compartirán).
Para contribuir a una tarjeta de regalo, simplemente complete el formulario adjunto y envíelo con el dinero en un sobre con la etiqueta "PTO Christmas Fundraiser" a la oficina. También puede pasar por la oficina de la escuela primaria y decirle a Jen a qué miembro del personal le gustaría que se le entregara la cantidad. Esta es una excelente manera de reconocer a uno o más de los miembros de nuestro personal y, al mismo tiempo, apoyar el Programa SCRIP/RaiseRight de la PTO que recauda dinero para beneficiar a la escuela, el personal y los estudiantes.
Todas las contribuciones deben recibirse antes del 9 de diciembre para garantizar que el personal reciba su regalo antes de Navidad. Si tiene preguntas, envíe un correo electrónico al PTO a
Enlace al formulario
Felices vacaciones,
toma de fuerza báltica